Rabobank Brazil donates 100 tons of food to the Food Bank NGO
Hunger is a problem that impacts 820 million people worldwide, according to the United Nations (UN). And food waste is an issue that worsens it: every day, around 41,000 tons of food are thrown away in Brazil throughout the entire chain, according to calculations by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa).
Part of the food is thrown away because it does not meet standards, such as size, shape, or appearance, even though it is of good nutritional quality. Fruit and vegetables that could nourish many people are wasted because of the culture of excess in society.
As a bank with cooperative roots whose mission is to foster the sustainable development of agriculture, the fight against waste has always been part of Rabobank's initiatives. And, especially at this time, when several institutions and families are facing even more issues due to the new coronavirus pandemic, we decided to contribute to the sector and boost conscientious consumption. Rabobank Brazil is donating 100 tons of food to the NGO, Banco de Alimentos (Food Bank). In addition, the bank will match donations made by our employees to the institution up to a limit of R$50,000.
Rabobank and Food Bank: a partnership to fight waste
With more than 20 years’ experience in tackling hunger and waste, the Banco de Alimentos NGO focuses mainly on collecting food that loses commercial value but is still good enough to eat and gives it away to institutions that serve vulnerable people. The organization also carries out activities to raise awareness about waste and education for better use of food. It has distributed 8,000 tons and more than 20,000 people have benefited.
Luciana Quintão, president and founder of the NGO, shares a purpose with Rabobank: “We still have 52 million people in a state of food insecurity in Brazil, while so many others are not aware of the issue. I believe that my life has been a commitment to building a better world.” That is why, since 2017, Rabobank Brazil and the NGO have been reaping the fruits of the partnership.
Rabobank, through the Rouanet Law, sponsored the documentary “Culture of Waste: for a more conscientious society.” The film raises awareness of conscientious food consumption, education, to make full use of food and how society, from individuals to companies, can contribute to sustainable food.
Together for the industry and for those who are most in need
With social isolation in the Covid-19 pandemic, the NGO wants to increase its reach. “We expanded our urban harvesting action, which fights food waste, benefiting our partner entities with the delivery of food parcels to families impacted by the pandemic, and provided food vouchers to individuals who are very vulnerable,” says Luciana.
Fortunately, the collaborative network has been effective: the organization has gone from an average of 40 tons of food per month distributed to more than a million tons in response to the crisis.
Rabobank's contribution enhances our collaborative DNA and support for the sector. We remain committed, more than ever, to the mission to continue sustainably feeding the world and always Growing a Better World Together!
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