Sustainability Field Days
Events that bring Rabobank’s clients and partners together at a model farm to learn about best practices in the rural environment.
Sustainability Field Days
In order to present best social and environmental practices in the scenario they will be applied in, Rabobank also organizes a series of Sustainability Field Days. At these events our clients and partners are invited to a client’s farm, where social and environmental standards are applied, catering to the welfare of employees and conserving the environment.
These Sustainability Field Days are held in the communities where we operate now in Brazil, and the farmers in the region get together and can:
At the event clients get the Manual of Best Social and Environmental Practices in Agribusiness and then visit the farm’s facilities to see the standards in practice, instructed by our Social and Environmental Responsibility team.
We have held twelve Field Days since 2008 and the results have always been very positive, satisfying all the guests. The cities where we held the Sustainability Field Days were: Barreiras, Araçatuba, Varginha, Patos, Uberlândia, Rio Verde, Chapadão do Sul, Lucas do Rio Verde, Rondonópolis, Tangará da Serra, and Ribeirão Preto.
In addition, our teams of managers, credit analysts, and technical operation analysts are specially trained on environmental and labor legislation to help our clients in these challenges.